Friday, August 7, 2015

August 3rd - Summer's actual birthday

Summer's actual birthday was on a Monday this year, the day after we got home from a long weekend in Chicago.  We all enjoyed keeping a low-key day after quite a busy week/weekend.  Never-the-less, I snapped a few pictures to document her day.

Traditional breakfast in Bed!

Chocolate chip pancakes, berries, and juice

Colton was so excited to help make it for Summer!

Sweet little brother was AMAZING at loving on his sister, being excited for her, and even offering to do her chores for her!  Sweet boyl

Summer wanted "rainbow" streamers on her door this year :)

Summer spent much of the morning working on her Frozen castle legos.

After her PBJ lunch, we watered the garden and picked some produce for dinner (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrot, sugar snap peas)

We enjoyed an energetic game of backyard soccer (kids vs mom). 

As usual at quiet time, we read her Bible together, and then I read her a chapter from a book of her choice (she picked a Frozen book).  At the end of her quiet time I came back and she had completely finished the book :)  She is so curious about what will happen next that this happens fairly often ;)

We then made our traditional run to Cub Foods for birthday donuts

Summer loved pushing the little cart and leading the way as we searched for a few grocery items.  She is a great "finder" and legitimately helped me find items (I usually shop at Walmart) by her observant eyes and reading the signs.  She announced that she loves being "a little mommy" and LOVED pretending to be all grown up and doing the shopping :)

Colton enjoyed his time driving his race car :)

And Larkyn smiled from her spot in the front of the cart

Summer unloaded her groceries and helped bag.
Her choice dinner included macaroni and cheese, garlic bread, berries and garden veggies, chocolate milk, and peach slush.

Birthday donut!  Chocolate and sprinkles.

She was pretty excited about her jump rope and princess alarm clock, and those two items were what she most often mentioned when people asked her what she got for her birthday.

She was also pretty excited to get a new Kristoff doll, as her old Kristoff's hat fell down the elevator shaft during our recent Chicago visit... yes it was quite dramatic ;)

She got new winter sparkle/fringe/high heel boots and a new sparkle purse

Some of her most used items to date include her crafts (beginning needle point kit, princess stamp set, and spirograph) as well as the Alex and Ameila Bedelia books and Frozen beach towel. 
She is one blessed little girl!


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