Larkyn spent weeks looking forward to her spiritual birthday, where we celebrate her personal decision to trust Jesus as her Savior (read about it
here!). Spiritual Birthday celebrations at our house have several parts:
1) Kid Planned Menu (they usually go on Pinterest with me and save recipes they like!)
2) Kid Cooked Dinner (acting as a servant to the family, they LOVE it!)
3) One gift to encourage their spiritual growth
4) Time at family dinner talking about their spiritual journey and reading past blog posts that relate to their decision to trust Christ.
Larkyn has watched her two siblings have several spiritual birthday celebrations, and she was so excited to have her own! She planned the whole menu, but unfortunately she was very sick that week, so I didn't let her help cook as much as we traditionally do, so as to avoid getting the rest of the family sick, however I let her do some things :). Larkyn picked to make Italian Dunkers (the kids' favorite school lunch that we attempted to duplicate using a St. Paul public school recipe!), fruit salad, brown sugar and honey carrots, and a special jello dessert she found on pinterest :).
Sidenote - we read her Bible together every morning when she wakes up and have read through many children's Bibles, but this so far has been one of my all-time favorites! We have read a weeks worth so far, since she got it last Friday, and the stories are complete, well written in kid-friendly language, tie the Bible together chronologically, and point to Jesus! I highly recommend it! |

We are so proud of how you love Jesus, Larkyn! I love listening to your constant joyful singing...sometimes songs from Sunday School, BSF, Wednsday night clubs, or your many Bible verse CD's....and other times they are worship songs made up by you! I love your heart for others and how once a need is presented, you continue to pray again and again for that person/persons in your prayers weeks and months later. I love your amazing memory as you memorize God's Word. I love your heart for others to know Jesus, choosing to give one of your Bibles to a friend who didn't have one and truly wanting others to trust Christ as Savior. We pray you always continue to grow closer to Him each day, in all that you do, and that you listen to the Holy Spirit as he directs your life. We pray for godly teachers, friends, and someday spouse. We pray the Lord's spiritual protection over your life and the many distractions and pulls of this world and that as you grow you would bring glory to HIM and bring others into His kingdom as you follow Him. We love you, Larkyn!
Just as an aside, here are a few pictures of Larkyn on her ACTUAL spiritual birthday (January 16th) and the day after...poor baby was hit hard with stomach flu, constant cough, and ear infection all at once! Despite the fact that she wasn't able to cook as much as she had hoped, she was able to enjoy her meal when we celebrated two days later!
Sweet Girl!