Wow, it has been quite the month! Starting on the 1st of July we welcomed Larkyn into our family, and what a wonderful month it has been! Now we are ready to usher in August, "Summer's birthday month", and with it all the birthday festivities - yes Summer has been excitedly talking about, planning, and making lists for weeks ;). Before we turn to August, however, I have a few final pictures and videos to share from our July...
I absolutely love these 3! (Thanks Grandma K for the shirts!) |
Daddy and the kids after his race. Love Colton's "thumbs up" :) |
We have been loving family S'mores nights - very motivating for the kids to finish their veggies ;) |
Daddy and Larkyn at the Twins game |
Mommy and Larkyn |
Kids LOVED their first experience with a Slip-n-Slide at Rylan's birthday party |
Summer, Adelyn, and Adry |
At a recent "boys" playdate (Summer and Larkyn were the only girls!), my friend Lisa froze toys in ice for the kids to hammer out....we had been discussing ways to help get out "boy energy" (she has two boys 3 and under) and she helps me find creative ways to do just that! |
The boys and Summer...hammering ;) |
While our veggie garden isn't overly productive, it is great for snacking while we are playing outside! The kids and I get excited when we see a red tomato, some ready broccoli, or some ripe strawberries...we usually eat it right after we pick it ;) |
Summer is SUCH a great big sister and LOVES holding Larkyn. She is a really big helper, too, as she will often request to hold/calm a fussy Larkyn (or even just calm her without me asking) while I need my hands free to do something else :) |
Summer wrote all the numbers on this hopscotch herself :) |
Summer and I had fun going to a acting video shoot at Grandpa's work (they were looking for "creative, and outgoing" kids to tape, so when Grandpa asked if Summer was interested she said Yes!) |
Summer was paired with a kid and then asked to act out a scenario in front of video and microphones :) |
Summer's favorite part, she told me, was getting to see Grandpa at work! |
Grandma Kirkwood found one of Larkyn's favorite ways to be held :) |
Big sister loving her role :) |
Colton LOVES playing soccer with Daddy! |
Colton's current favorite game to play with Daddy is keep-away...where Daddy does all his magic soccer moves and Colton tries to get the ball ;) Here is a video I took after Summer joined the fun...
Here is the kids with the verse of the week..2 John 1:6 "And this is love, that we walk in obedience to his commands."
Colton's Verse of the Week: (Silly boy - the past two weeks he has wanted to do all verse of the week references as 4:12 just to be silly. Its not recorded in this video but he has currently been ending his verse of the week with KaCHOW (what Lighting McQueen, the racecar for the movie CARS says). Goofball. Well here it is - 2 John 1:6 in Colton-style.
Summer's Verse of the Week:
Larkyn has been enjoying bathtime a lot more! We now do all 3 kids at the same time: the older two in the big tub and we fill and move Larkyn's tub to the floor of the bathroom. Here is a little video...
And now, we are ready for Summer's birthday festivities! I can't believe my first baby is almost 4! The kids had a BLAST this week filling the pinata...
Summer really wanted a pinata for her birthday...the kids had so much fun filling it! |
That about wraps up July :).
Great job with the mudder race, Paul. Kel didn't post the pictures I saw on Facebook, but I got the biggest chuckle out of how your shirt started out white and ended up gray!! :)
Also, good job with that teeny soccer ball. I would guess it is more challenging to use that fancy foot work. I just love hearing the kiddos' squeals as they delight in playing with Daddy. Larkyn is just such a sweetheart. That first month sure flew by. And now, let the August birthday festivities begin!! Love you all!
Love all the sweet pictures of videos of July!!! What a fun month. :) Can't believe Larkyn is a month old. Enjoy celebrating Summer's birthday. :)
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