Colton's first night at home went relatively well :). I got about 3.5 hours of sleep, but got a good long 2 hour nap in this afternoon which helped tremendously! He is MUCH less fussier than Summer was, its just that he was a bit of a snack feeder last night....eating for a few minutes, falling asleep, and then getting hungry a bit later. He slept a good chunk from from 4:30am to 7:30am, (though Summer woke up about 6:45am!). All in all, he is soooo much of an easier baby than Summer, and even with a toddler at home at the same time, our first day at home with Colton was so much easier this time around than it was with Summer!
Today I tried to focus on Summer a lot, and play a lot with her to show her that Baby Colton is not "replacing her" but rather an addition to our family. We had a lot of fun together! She is so soon as she woke up this morning she wanted to "go see Colton"!
We went on Colton's first outing today...we took Summer to the Community Center's open gym. We also had Colton's first bath at home today. Here are a few pictures!
Summer and Daddy playing by the mats |
Summer and Daddy |
Mommy and Colton watching Summer and Daddy Play |
Mommy's turn to play with Summer |
Daddy's turn to cuddle with Colton |
Colton slept for 6 hours this afternoon after lunch in a combination of Daddy's lap and the Pack 'n we think he will sleep tonight???? |
Colton's first sponge bath at home |
Snuggled up after bath |
Mommy's two favorite jammied kiddos |
We put Colton in the same ducky pj's Summer wore after her first sponge bath at home! |
Blast from the past.........
Summer on her second day home from the hospital, after her first sponge bath, in the same ducky PJ's!!! |
Aw, I definitely remember the duckie pajamas! Looks like a great first day home. Colton sounds a lot like his mommy who had her best chunk of sleep during the day, too. ;)No worries. That will get straightened out and then he'll be a wonderful night sleeper! :) Love to all!
Awww, how fun!! Love the blast from the past pic:-)
I love the double ducky pj pics! I can't wait to meet him :) Isn't it fun to have him complete that family of FOUR! SO exciting!
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