Monday, August 14, 2023

8/13 Larkyn Baptism!

Larkyn chose to be baptized this past Sunday.  As her mom, it was incredible to watch her heart choose this step of showing the world that she wants to be identified with Jesus in both his death and his resurrection, telling the world that she is a follower of Jesus and trusts in Him.  

Larkyn trusted Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior many years ago (read about it here), and over the past year she has been talking a lot about baptism.  We have had many conversations, (all prompted by her) as she thought through if/when she wanted to take that step.  Our church had two baptism Sundays scheduled for the summer, which unbeknownst to us as parents apparently Larkyn took note of.  After our morning devotions last week she wanted to talk about baptism, and she shared that she felt God was calling her to be baptized, but that she felt nervous.  She told me that there was a baptism this coming Sunday (to which I was shocked that she even knew there was one! She is not a date person!) and as we continued to talk it was very evident that God was prompting her to be baptized.  After she talked with her children's pastor, Ms Laurie, and read in her Bible that evening (noting her new favorite verse Malachi 3:2), she decided the following morning (Friday) that she wanted to be baptized that Sunday!  Our amazing family made every effort to come despite the last minute (to us!) notice.  It is so amazing to watch God work in your kiddo's heart.  I feel beyond blessed that Larkyn loves and listens to the Lord.

As part of baptism Sunday, those being baptized share in church their testimonies and often include why they want to be baptized and how they have seen God working in their lives.   Click here for Larkyn's testimony in church video.

After church we headed to the local beach for the baptisms.  Larkyn asked me to baptize her.  Click here for Larkyn's baptism video.

Below are some pictures from the day, including some our pastor's wife took. 

Thank you, Lord for working in Larkyn's life. 


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