Thursday, August 3, 2023

We have a TEENAGER!

 Summer turned 13 on August 3rd!  She is such an amazing example of a godly, responsable, sweet and caring teenager.  I feel so blessed to have her as a daughter!  We celebrated Summer several ways this year including on her actual birthday with our family, a murder-mystery dinner party/sleepoever with friends, and also separately with each set of grandparents/cousins.  

August 3rd

We spent Summer's birthday at a waterpark with cousins!  We then continued our celebration when Dad came home from work with Summer choice of dinner including calzones, brownies, and ice cream.  She opened a fanny pack, locker shelves, and a new Bible cover, and after dinner we enjoyed playing the Wordle game her siblings picked out for her!

Friends Party

Summer did a great job planning her party with friends.  She picked out a murder-mystery tea party on Etsy and organized, decorated, and menu planned the whole party.  She is a great party-planner and I enjoy watching her work!  She has the sweetest friends, all of whom love to act, came dressed according to their pre-assigned character at the muder-mystery tea party, and who made this kind of a party especially fun!

*Shout out THANK YOU to Auntie Kristin for hosting Colton and Larkyn for some cousin fun during the party!

Celebrating with Kirkwoods

Summer picked to go out to Red Robin with the Kirkwood side!  Grandma and Summer spent a long time picking out just the right new desk for Summer's room and then Grandpa helped her put it together :).  Summer sure loves to organize!

Celebrating with Tommerdahls

We celebrated Summer in Battle Lake!  Family decorated the deck for her and she was ecstatic to get a new backpack for school, post-it notes!, and many other fun things alongside her favorite meal of spaghetti and meatballs.


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