Friday, May 22, 2015

BSF and Verse of the Week Wrap-Up

We finished BSF for the year, studying the Life of Moses, and reading through Exodus - Deuteronomy.  We had such a great year! 

Here is a picture of our first day of BSF this year...
First Day of BSF
 And our last day...
Last Day of BSF
The kids have grown so much in so many ways!  All 3 kids had AMAZING teachers that loved on them and taught them about Jesus and I am so grateful for this program.  Here are our last three "verses of the week" that never got posted...

To keep us memorizing thoughout the summer, we have decided to memorize a cluster of verses.  We have roughly 4 months until we start our BSF Revelation study in the fall, and we are going to attempt to memorize 1 John 4:7-21.  The goal is to "keep up" each verse as we add the new ones, so that when we are done we can recite the whole section.   It is a lofty goal but we will give it a shot!  Instead of recording individual verses each week, I will wait and video them at the end of the summer.   (That is the plan, anyway!)  As the kids and I refer to it, we are "putting verses into our bucket" so we can pull them out when we need them :).


Kristin Bjorklund said...

Can't believe how much Colty grew up this year!!! You expect it of Larky, or course, but wow!

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