Daddy had his annual church Men's Retreat at Trout Lake Camp this past weekend, where he got to go fishing, shoot guns, play dodgeball/fuseball/paintball/floorhockey/etc etc, hang out with the awesome guys from church, and spend time worshipping God and hearing from a speaker. We tried to stay nice and busy so we didn't miss him too much!
On Friday, it was kind of dark and looked like it would rain, so we made (kids' choice) spaghetti and vanilla pudding for dinner, and then cuddled on the couch with our blankies and had a movie night watching several episodes of "Daniel Tiger". I love kiddo cuddles! Since we hardly EVER watch movies/TV at our house, the kids thought it was pretty special :).
On Saturday we went for a breakfast run (kiddos in the jogger eating breakfast while I ran) and then got ready to meet up with other moms from church to go to Holtz Farm, which had tons of fun activities!
We met at Lisa's house and all walked to the farm together. |
Summer's first ride on a pony! |
She loved it! |
like a pro :) |
Colton's first ride on a pony! |
I could hear him giggling from quite a ways away! |
All smiles! |
Colton had fun trying to throw bean bags into the a stand up cow with holes |
He also loved the "fill the tractor with corn and drive it around" station |
Both kids got super into the "search for nickles in the haystack" (and allowed me plenty of time to change a very poopy Larkyn diaper ;) |
The kids stood for a VERY long time listening to the lady tell how bees make honey - they were so interested and Summer asked a ton of questions! Summer also loved watching the metal smith make nails and asked him questions too! I love her inquisitive and outgoing nature! |
Giant Pickles were a huge highlight! |
On the walk back to Lisa's, Larkyn got fussy so I held her and Summer hopped into Larkyn's seat - she thought that was so funny! |
"baby Summer"! |
After naps, my Grandma and Grandpa Kirkwood, Eric, and Kristin came over to play, go out to dinner, help out with bath/bedtime, and chat! Larkyn had the HUGEST smiles for Grandpa Kirkwood, and for quite a long time was so focused on him talking to her - I snapped some super cute pictures!
On Sunday, we went to church and then headed to a nearby park for playtime and picnic lunches.
Then we went back to the Lutz Railroad Garden, where I had taken Colton on a date last month (it is only open one Sunday a month, June-September), and Summer wanted to get to see it. Colton was quite excited to go back and show Summer!
Love this little guys face, watching for the train to come out of the tunnel! |
By the time the kids were up from nap/quiet time, Daddy was almost home! We were pretty excited to see him!
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