Sunday, October 30, 2011

Paul gets baptized!

Today our church had a baptism Sunday, where anyone who wanted to be baptized could do so.  Paul was baptized as an infant,  but his study in the Bible lately has convicted him that he wanted to do an adult believers' baptism as a symbolic way to proclaim his faith in Jesus Christ to the world.  The dipping into the water symbolizes dying the death we all deserve from the sins we have committed.  The rising up from the water symbolizes the new life he has in Christ through the belief that Christ took the penalty for our sins on the cross and washed us completely clean so we can be in God's presence for eternity.  AMEN!

Pastor Paul and Paul converse about why Paul is choosing to be baptized.

Paul asked me to help Pastor Paul baptize him as a way of supporting him in this decision.

Celebration lunch!


Jill said...

What a blessed celebration. Thanks for including us in this special day! We are so proud of you, Paul! What a wonderful testimony you are to what Christ did for you on the cross.

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