Sunday, October 28, 2018

Finishing Up Soccer

We had a great soccer season!  Here are a few pictures to wrap it all up.


Larkyn's season was full of smiles and excitement over being the one on the field instead of the one watching! Larkyn's highlights were getting to be the pink (raspberry) team and the team snacks.  She did not like playing games where she got tagged.  Most games, Larkyn didn't touch the ball much, but she didn't mind at all!  She generally enjoyed watching the people more than the ball, and running around in the general direction of the group... with a big smile!

Coach Robert was FANTASTIC with the preschool age group and all the preschool dynamics ;)


Colton played 100% of his effort, 100% of the time.  This team was a step up for him in skill level, as this year he played on the first/second grade boys team which is quiet a bit more competitive than the coed kindergarten team from last year.   He ALWAYS gave it his all, and I was so proud of his good attitude win or lose.  It was really fun to watch him play, because he loved the game so much!

Coach Nate was full of as much energy as his 1st and 2nd grade boys and did a great job managing their competitive spirits and keeping them running during practice! 


Summer had a great "first season back" after not playing soccer for a few years.  Jumping into a 3rd through 5th grade team as a 3rd grader who hasn't played since kindergarten is an intimidating venture, and Summer entered with confidence and grace, giving it her all with a smile.  She loved her team (all the girls were so sweet!) and truly had a fantastic experience.  Coach commented on how he loved Summer's attitude.  I am so proud of her!

Coach Aaron was fantastic.  He truly encouraged each girl to be their best, without getting upset over their mistakes (some coaches can get competitive at this age!)  and I saw great improvement (and enjoyment of the game) in Summer based on his kind coaching style.  

Thank you!

Thank you to our amazing family who showed up to encourage and help out when we couldn't make it to all three games at the same time!


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