Friday, March 8, 2013

A few updates

With my favorite two kiddos
On Thursday, Grandma Kirkwood came and we went to the mall.  She took this picture of the three of us in the play place, which is fun, because I don't often get a picture with the two kids and me. :)  It was fun to watch Colton be big enough to enjoy playing in the play place now (full of little cars with slides and things to climb in and under).  While I used to enjoy being mom to a toddler and baby, I think being mom to a preschooler and toddler is even more fun!!!! 


Here are a few updates:

Summer quotes of the week:
1) "Mommy, where is my tank-top computer?"  (She has a pink, play LAP-top)
2) While giving me a hug, "Mommy, your hair is so pretty, your eyes are so pretty, your nose is so pretty, your goobers are so pretty......"
3) "Mommy I am going to give this picture to God." (Proceeds to walk over and put the colored picture next to her spot at the table where she prays to him before each meal.)
4) "Mommy, God is with me all the time.  When I eat, when I nap, and when I poop in my diaper."

*Summer is just STARTING to recognize when she is going to the bathroom in her diaper---sometimes.....

Colton has mastered the stairs and goes up and down without help.  He is literally CONSTANTLY on the move.   Some of his current favorite things to do are:
1) Climb the stairs
2) Open and close cabinets (he is allowed to open and close, but not touch the contents!)
3) Slide the dishwasher drawer open and shut (he is allowed to open and close it, but not touch the dishes!)
4) Turn pages in board books

 *Colton is very good about not touching something when I tell him not to, and I am impressed with (so far) how obedient he is.

Weird to think about this time last year.....Colton was a month away from being due.....!  Wow!  My baby is closing in on a year old!!!


Kristin K said...

Your babies are cute. And I'll always call them "the babies". Just sayin'... ;)

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