Monday, November 25, 2019

Summer Baptism!

Sweet Summer trusted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior in the fall of 2013.  Christ made a radical and undeniable change in her that was extremely noticeable by those around her.  She went from a stubborn child who tried to get as close to the line as possible, determined to win any disobedience-related "parent-child show-down", to a child whose conscience brought her to tears when she did wrong even with no consequences being issued.  God changed her heart to be completely desiring Him and 100% on fire for sharing his love with others.  Christ is SO evident in her life!  One evening a few weeks ago, while Summer and I were on a date driving to see a dance show at the high school where I teach, Summer told me there was something she wanted to talk about.  She proceeded to share that she would like to be baptized!  There would be an upcoming service at our church, and she wanted to proclaim to the world that she trusted Jesus as her Savior.  How exciting!  She called her grandparents, and invited family, and it was seriously such a beautiful and encouraging evening of worship songs and 11 people sharing their testimonies and proclaiming their decision to follow Christ as Lord.  Below are a few pictures/videos of her video testimony, her baptism (she chose to have Daddy baptize her), and some of the wonderful family and friends that came to support and encourage her!  We are SO beyond grateful, Lord, for all that you are doing in Summer's heart.  Thank you for working in her heart, thank you for letting us watch, and thank you for using her for your glory!

Video of Testimony

Video of Baptism


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