I blinked...and now its almost February! What?! I should probably post a bit about our January. Well, here goes!
Snow Days
A highlight of our January was getting two snow days! I'm not sure how much snow we got, but I'm pretty sure it was over a foot! We have all sorts of crazy stories, like Paul not being able to get home because he couldn't get down our street, and having to park his car a mile away and walk home! But the main fun was that I got to have my three favorite kiddos home with me for two school days in a row! Fantastic! Our days were filled with lots of legos, books, dolls, cuddles, and of course, playing outside!
Our family got really into football the past few weeks as the Vikings looked like they might make it to the Superbowl, being held locally this year. Although they didn't win their first playoff game, we made a party out of it complete with all the traditional super bowl snacks, and made great family memories!
Paw Patrol Live
We gave the kids tickets to see Paw Patrol Live for Christmas. It was a really fun family outing!
Great Wolf Lodge
We received a family gift for Christmas for a one night stay at the renovated Waterpark of America, now Great Wolf Lodge. The kids were so excited about the bunk beds! We had great family time, despite the fact that Summer knicked up her heel pretty badly on one of the slides and even got a visit from the EMT to our hotel room! Paul put a waterproof case on his phone and got some fun pictures.
Summer Updates
Summer had a presentation at school about Sweden and brought Larkyn (dressed in Swedish clothing) in as her prop! |
When I've pulled out my mending projects over the last few weeks both Summer and Colton ask to sew with me. I snip slits in scrap fabric and they both love practicing sewing the hole up. |
Summer completed her first mending project - sewing up a hole in her snow pants all by herself. |
No more hole! |
Summer was THRILLED after working for much of a year, to move up to the next level in gymnastics. |
Colton Updates
Uncle Eric and Auntie Kristin gave Colton a guys night with Uncle Eric for Christmas - where they went to see a Minnesota Magicians hockey game. Colton was thrilled to get a puck to keep! The excitement of the game was that the glass shattered during the game! |
Daddy and Grandpa came along too! |
Colton's project was to make a "family heart" and decorate it any way he chose, including his last name (the class is starting to work on practicing writing their last name). I just love that he included God in our family! |
Colton has spent the bulk of his free time this month with Legos! Each morning I would come in to wake him up for school and he would be all dressed and ready, sitting playing Legos! |
It has also been really fun to watch him enjoy his new circuit set - building circuits that make lightbulbs, fans, music box, etc work. I helped him get started, and after two examples he was off and running following the directions, making his own, and exclaiming for me to come see what he built! |
Larkyn Updates
Larkyn got to take her guard rails off her bed this month! She graduated to being able to get up on her own (after 7am) and do her three chores (potty, dressed, make bed) and then play in her room until Mommy comes to get her up just like her big sister and brother. (Before she couldn't get out of her bed until Mommy got her up). She has been doing a great job with her chores! She also is officially night time potty trained and wearing big girl underwear every night. She hadn't had an accident in many months, so we let her try underwear about two months ago, and she has had no accidents! |
Well, it wouldn't be January without the Tommerdahls getting sick ;). Summer just finished up a 4-5 day fever bug and shared it with her little sister, who is currently sick. Thankfully, it has just been a fever and nothing more. :) While I don't like to see them sick, I do love the slower paced days and cuddles, and will choose to be grateful for those!
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