Saturday, April 5, 2014

Weekend Fun: Church Kid's Night and Uncle Eric's Hockey Game

On Friday night, our church had a fun night for the kiddos.  They got to wear their PJ's, run around the church sanctuary and play games, go on an Easter Egg Hunt, and finally settle in for an Easter movie complete with popcorn.

Paper snowball fight...Goal: be the team with the LEAST number of snowballs on your side of the line.

Throwing paper snowballs
 Here is a video of the paper snow ball fight:

Listening very intently to the directions for the Easter Egg hunt

I found these!!

Look at mine!

Opening their eggs to look at their candy :)

Balancing an egg on a spoon and trying to walk across the sanctuary

One of the rare moments when Colton was actually balancing his egg WITHOUT using his other hand to steady it ;)

Popcorn and Easter movie projected on the big wall
This morning, we ran over to watch one of Uncle Eric's hockey games.  It was the first time the kids had gotten to see him play (and their first hockey game too!) because normally his games are after they go to bed.  However this tournament had an early game this morning, so we took advantage of it and went to go cheer him on!

Uncle Eric plays for a Christian adult league, so they begin all games with prayer

Uncle Eric wore nice bright red socks which allowed the kids to spot him quite easily--so nice!

Our spot on the bleachers...Summer wore her "princess jersey" and Colton came decked out in MN Wild Hockey gear.  It is amazing how still Colton will sit when he is watching a game and how long of an attention span he has!  He loved it!  Summer spent much of the time chatting with Eric's mom ;).  Both kids loved spotting Uncle Eric (wearing the red socks) and watching him score a goal. 

Admiring Uncle Eric's pads after the game

The boys--Daddy, Colton, Uncle Eric, and Mr. Todd (Uncle Eric's Dad)


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