Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Summer has been getting better and better at riding her bike!  The first tricky thing for her was that when you push the wheels backwards, they brake (she would keep "stopping", but not on purpose!).  The second tricky thing was getting enough strength from her legs to propel the bike forward (which got easier when we put more air in the tires).  Yesterday, for the first time, she rode her bike all by herself almost all the way to a nearby park!  She also had her first two time she fell off her bike (going up over a curb tipped her off balance, and going up on the grass tipped her off balance) but I was so proud of her for getting back on and trying again.  She loves riding her bike, and as soon as we finished dinner last night she wanted to go outside and show Daddy how she could ride her bike now.  Daddy caught a little of her on video:


Jill said...

Yay, Summer!! Such a big girl!! So proud of you!!

The Baum Family said...

Good job, Summer!!! :)

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