Tuesday, March 24, 2020

4th Grade Fun

4th Grade Fun

Overnight at the Science Museum

Southview's 4th grade got chosen to be part of an overnight field trip at the Science Museum!  I was beyond thrilled to be able to chaperone as there are fewer and fewer options for me to be involved in Summer's class as she gets older and I love getting opportunities to be a part of her class!  Summer's group was 6 girls (5 overnight) that were all total sweethearts and we had such a fun, memory-making time!  I couldn't help thinking of the movie, Night at the Museum, as we literally slept among the exhibits!  Here are some pictures.

Summer's class

Summer's grade

pizza dinner!

Science Live Show

The girls got such a kick out of this vibrating chair in the "medical hoax inventions" area, that supposedly helps with constipation!  We spent a long time here making a video (along with many giggles!) to share on the Southview TV news about this device!

Our sleeping spots

Our scared faces....sleeping by a skeleton!




Headed back to Southview!

Dr. Seuss Day

Summer's class celebrated Dr. Seuss Day, and available parents could come help cook Green Eggs and Ham!  It was fun being a part of their special breakfast!

Band Selection Day

4th graders get to visit with the band director, and try 3 instruments of their choosing, before making the exciting decision on which instrument they will play in 5th grade band!  Summer chose the TROMBONE, following in the footsteps of both grandpa's and her Uncle Jordan :).  She is so excited and is all signed up for her lessons this summer!

Future Trombonist!

4th Grade Concert

Summer was SO excited about her 4th grade concert (set for last week, Thursday) where she was to sing many songs along with perform many recorder songs with her class.  She was disappointed to the point of tears when all concerts (and everything else!) were cancelled do to COVID19.  She requested to do a concert for her family, using the music link from her music teacher's website, and with 10 minutes notice almost all extended family members downloaded the Zoom app, and joined us for her concert!  Thank you to both Grandmas and Grandpas, and all the Auntie's and Uncles and Taylor that logged on to show their support.  It meant the world to Summer!

Summer giving her 4th grade concert via Zoom to family members

Unfulfilled Opportunities

Summer was really looking forward to presenting at the zoo last Tuesday, as her 4th grade project (for suggesting a new animal and enclosure to be included at the zoo) was chosen to be judged at the zoo.  Unfortunately, not only were all Southvew field trips cancelled, but the zoo was closed as well, due to COVID19.  

Summer was also looking forward to the next level of competition for her Destination Imagination project, and that was cancelled as well.

The effects of the Corona Virus will definitely be remembered long past 2020!  So many missed activities, trips, and opportunities in order to keep people safe from this dangerous and extremely contagious virus.  However, instead of focusing on the missed experiences, we are choosing to focus on the opportunity we are given to pause our busy lives, enjoy time with family, and pray for those who are hurting.  


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