Summer turned 14 on August 3rd!
Summer has such a huge heart for people and loves others deeply. Her birthday fell on a Saturday this year, which was a day that we were needed to help a refugee family move homes. We have been connected with this family for almost a year and we love them and are like family to them. Summer immediately said it was okay to spend her birthday helping this family move, and our dear friends from church surprised Summer by bringing donuts to the moving party.
When we were all back home, Summer chose to play a family game of Settlers of Catan! We also enjoyed her birthday meal of choice, crazy noodle night, and presents.
Larkyn gave Summer two foldable hairbrushes for her backpack/bag.
We all giggled pretty hard when Tiger somehow slipped his favorite mouse into one of the presents - so I guess he gave Summer a mouse for her bday!
Summer opened a lot of running gear including a big water bottle, running headbands, running shirts, a running phone belt,
She also asked for a garbage can she can use as a recycling can in her room. Tiger liked it!
Colton gave Summer some hair clips (claw) she wanted!
Summer, you are absolutely incredible. Your heart for the Lord and for others is awe-inspiring. I am so grateful for the ways you slip in and help with everything around the house without being asked. You notice when I'm stressed and I can tell you truly care. You faithfully spend time in the Word and you intentionally look and pray for ways to love and serve others. I know that God is going to use your outgoing personality and love for others to draw others to the Lord at Apple Valley High School next year. I am so proud of how you dove in with both feet to a new cross country team, faith club, and being a high schooler! How fun it is to watch you grow into such an amazing person. You are a favorite babysitter to many (and so good with kids), you step in to help anyone in need from teachers to refugees, to those you don't even know. I am so grateful that you trust me and will confide in and talk to me about anything. I love watching you on the stage, with kids, on cross country, and your thirst and love for learning and knowledge. You are mature in your choices about screen time and phone privileges, your new debit card, and your continued independence. I trust you entirely, love you completely, and couldn't be more proud of you. Thanks for making having a teenager easy on us! I thank the Lord for the gift he gave me in you!
Other Celebrations:
Summer celebrated with Grandma and Grandpa K and the cousins at Annie's Parlour!
She is excited to celebrate with Grandma and Grandpa T soon and will have a few close friends over at some point to celebrate!
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