Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy 10th Birthday Larkyn and Welcome Tiger!

Larkyn has been wanting a pet for YEARS.  This year her 4th grade teacher's cat had kittens.  Larkyn hopefully asked if she could get one for her birthday.  And this time, Mom and Dad said, "yes"!  Larkyn spent most of the month of June getting ready to own her own cat.  She made a wish list for her birthday which included a litter box, a cat tree, a leash, a bed, a food and water dispenser, and more.  Her amazing grandparents agreed to give Larkyn her birthday presents two weeks early so she could be fully prepared to welcome Tiger to his new home the day that he was fully weaned.  Thus we celebrated Larkyn's July 1 birthday on June 19th, and welcomed a new furry friend into our home shortly thereafter.  Tiger has stolen all of our hearts with his sweet face, cuddly nature, and bright curious eyes, and Larkyn has done a great job taking care of her new pet.


We chose June 19th as a designated birthday for Larkyn.  Not only would we be out of town on her actual birthday, but Paul was off work for Juneteenth which made it a fun day to celebrate.  It was also two days before Tiger would come home with us, which gave Larkyn time to unbox Tiger's things (her birthday presents) and get her room all set up for his homecoming.

Breakfast in bed

Her choice - McDonalds dinner

Tiger's "tag" which she and I had engraved together.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa T for Tiger's litter box and crate!

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa K for Tiger's cat tree and bed!

leash and collar

cat toys/tunnel

Cat pack 'n Play (which is Tiger's home when we are staying with grandparents)

Blowing out her candle (Because she chose Wendy's Frosties for her dessert)

Larkyn and Summer and I had so much fun setting up Tiger's new home in Larkyn's room that evening. Here is a video that Larkyn sent to Grandma and Grandpa T to show them Tiger's new space after she opened the litter box and crate from them.  *Note: The cat tree that Grandma and Grandpa K gave Larkyn is not pictured in this video as they gave it to her the following day.  Thanks to Grandpa K for helping to get it set it up!)

Welcome Tiger!

On Friday evening, June 21, the whole family drove to pick up sweet Tiger from Mrs. Nerdahl's house.  

Here is a video of him seeing his new room!

Tiger curled up and slept in the little bed Larkyn made for him and slept through his first night like a champ!  He continues to sleep on her bed each night and Larkyn is beyond thrilled to have her own pet.  Tiger is is sweeter than I ever imagined a cat could be (!) and we have all fallen in love with him! 


Tiger has already been on many adventures climbing around many parks and playgrounds in Apple Valley on his little black leash, weathering the pouring rain watching Colton's soccer game, playing in shoes and laundry, being constantly cuddled and wrapped up, and has already been on two trips with the family!  He is a curious and sweet natured lil' guy that absolutely loves people, and he is such a fun addition to our family.  Below is a collection of photos from his first month of life with Larkyn.  When he first joined our family he was not yet 2.5lbs, and now he is up to 4lbs!

Larkyn loves to wrap him up in his blankie

Tiger loves to cuddle with us when we are reading, watching sports, doing Bible study, or working on our computers.

Despite some initial nerves in the car, Tiger now treats car rides like a champ settling right in for a nap with whomever is holding him!

One of Tiger's favorite games is playing peek-a-boo with Paul on the stairs.

in friend Preston's hat!

at one of many visited playgrounds

He LOVES to play in the shoes and with backpack strings!

Weathering his first rainstorm (at Colton's soccer game) in the safety of Paul's arms

Summer loves to cuddle and play with Tiger!

Tiger has learned a lot about soccer!

Nice spot for a nap!

Colton's cuddle buddy

What a sweet boy!

Helping Dad with work

Aaaah the life of a cat.

sleeping upside down on Paul!

Cuddling with Auntie Kristin

Car ride with Colton



To celebrate her 10th birthday, Larkyn chose to have 3 friends join her at Urban Air and sleepover!  Tiger rocked his first tween sleepover and loved right in the middle of the screaming, giggling girls.  We are so grateful for these sweet friends in Larkyn's life.

Happy Birthday, Larkyn!

While it is easy to sidestep the double digit birthday of our youngest kiddo due to the endless pictures of her new furry companion, I want to end this post with a quick shout out to our favorite Larky-Loo.  At age 10, Larkyn is an animal lover to the core and a spark-plug full of energy bringing fun and excitement wherever she goes.   She is persistent and opinionated and has seen great growth this year in learning how to use self-control and think of others.  She is a natural leader and loves the stage, singing, and gymnastics.  She is independent yet still a Mama's girl, and has overflowing personality packed into her 4'4" frame.  She is confident in her own skin and loves fashion (and makeup, despite the fact that she must wait until middle school to wear any!).  Drawn to drama and action, she stands up for those who are bullied or gossiped about and is known as a loyal friend.  She prays for the hurting and is growing so much in choosing kindness towards her siblings.  This girl fully lives out the meaning of her name, "fierce little one" and continues to bring both action and joy to our family.  Larkyn, I pray that you always choose the Lord's ways and keep good friends around you.  I know the Lord has great plans for you and I love you more than words can say!  Happy 10th birthday, sweet baby girl!


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