Friday, May 31, 2024


May was filled with lots of concerts, sports, school, work, family time, and more.  Here are a few highlights.

Northern Lights

We took a very last minute camping trip when found out the northern lights would be visible!  We packed up after dinner and camped on about a half hour outside of the city in WI and made such fun family memories!  We were dog sitting Dotson at the time so he also got to come with us!



golfing with friends

band camp

soccer team

church Feed My Starving Children packing event

mini golfing with dad

Choir concert

Nature Girl

Lots of gymnastics for Larkyn
She got her back-walkover! video

8th grade graduation at church

Summer and good friend Grace.  They will be at the same high school in the fall!

band concert - Larkyn
Click here for one of their songs (Summer actually accompanied Larkyn's band on piano)

band concert - Colton
Click here for one of his songs

band concert - Summer
Click here for a video of the 8th grade only Mission Impossible

Last band concert they will all 3 be in at the same time!
Click here for a song that Colton and Summer's bands did together.

Girls Duet - click for video

Mother's Day



4th grade Field Trip and Track and Field Day

Larkyn chose to run the optional long race and did awesome!

Paul's Birthday

Random Fun

Larkyn best bud at soccer games - braided their hair together

Rhyme spirit week day: "Swift and gift"

first batch of the year from our strawberry patch


Traditional "mom's last day of work" donuts - Happy Summer!

Happy Summer!!!!!


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