Colton Spiritual Birthday
Colton's Spiritual birthday fell over Spirit Week at school! He was the only healthy kid in the family on decade day, so here is his "1950" apparel! You will notice some of his spiritual birthday pics he is baking after school and in his 1950's clothes. We celebrated the day Colton chose to follow Jesus by having him pick and make dinner (he chose tacos and a S'mores dessert), remembering how God has worked in Colton's life, and giving him a gift that will help him grow in his faith.
This book has been amazing so far! It tells the whole Bible as one big story, and shows how everything connects together!
Extra curricular activities
Summer joined the youth group worship band. She plays piano/keyboard/sings. It has been a really awesome experience!
Summer has had a lot of fun on the cheer team at school! Pictured below are the four 6th graders on the squad.
The whole team before the game.
Fun that Auntie Kristin came to one of Summer's games as she was a cheerleader when she was around Summer's age!
Link to Summer's Homecoming Halftime Dance
Colton had such a fun basketball season. He learned a ton and did a great job being a team player! There team had some fun wins that ended up landing them in third place in their bracket. Here he is with long-time good friend Adrian.
All three kids were "student of the week" at their piano lesson studio this were their student of the month photos taken by their piano teacher - Larkyn with her favorite of many cats that keep them company at piano lessons, and Colton on the keyboard in the practice room.
Family Fun
Paul and Colton went to a world cup qualifying game between the US and Honduras at Allianz Field in 0 degree weather! Crazy boys.:) They made memories!
Game Night!
Valentine's Day
Date Night!
Paul and I were supposed to be in Las Vegas for 5 days, but due to a kiddo coming down with the stomach flu THE MORNING we were supposed to leave, we cancelled the whole trip :(. When the kids were feeling better, we went out to eat at a Greek restaurant and left the kids at home :).
Happy birthday Grandpa!
Happy Birthday Charlie! (@ Monster Jam!)
We call Fridays, "Family Fun Night" We all look forward to spending time together after a busy week!